Coalville Road

This land is wedged between existing residential development and the Edward Hunter Bush Reserve. It contains registered watercourses which, together with the significant bushfire risk presented by adjacent vegetation, required innovative design and problem solving to achieve a functioning residential subdivision that addressed all of the site constraints.

Town Planning & Urban Design

  • Site analysis and liaison with stormwater, vegetation and bushfire management experts enabled a design layout to be prepared for the subdivision. Throughout the planning process the design was refined and the resulting layout will see development of a high quality residential estate
  • Preparation of a comprehensive series of plans, planning report and submission to Council in conjunction with the NBA Group
  • Involvement with Bushfire Assessments and liasion with CFA

Landscape Architecture

  • Preparation of Landscape Master plan which considered waterway treatments, streetscapes and bushfire risk

Engineering Design

  • Design and preparation of detailed functional layout plans for the subdivision to demostrate that it could function in all aspects


  • Feature & Level Survey


  • Millar Merrigan provided expert witness submissions in relation to Landscape Architecture and Servicing & Infrastructure